Page 15 - 2013 Manual small

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Page 15
You can find installation videos on our website or
go directly to them by scanning this QR code.
1. I am still trampling crop. What is wrong?
You may be running the Cropsaver too low, raise the divider up . See page 5 for instruction.
2. How fast can I drive with the dividers on?
Generally speed does not matter. In some crops (ie: oats and barley) slow down depending on how ripe the
crop is.
3. Does driving quickly with Cropsavers do damage to the crop?
With the Cropsavers set at the correct crop height no damage will occur. However if your Cropsavers are set
too low some damage may occur.
4. Doesn’t the canopy stay open after the first cone?
No, the crop waves back. The rear dividers are required to reopen the canopy.
5. How high can the dividers lift?
To the centre of the wheel diameter.
Manually lift the Cropsaver and insert the lock up pin to hold the Cropaver up.
If airlift is installed raise the cones fully and insert the lock up pin. Lock up pin shown in diagram.